Monday, September 26, 2011

What to do...

So here I am, sitting here thinking, which for the most part, can be a dangerous thing for me as I come up with all sorts of things for me to do to get myself into trouble....  But the subject I go...  My hubby and I have been talking for a while now about what we want to do to make things better for us, financially.  We live in the state of Misery and cannot stand it here, yet have all these morality based things keeping us here, not to mention we're poor.  I have begun looking at other more desireable locations in which to reside, work, and have fun in.  Our most obvious of locations is to move back to Lost Wages, but the economy sucks there too, as it does everywhere, AND...we really don't want to go back there (shocker!).  I have looked at places like upstate New York, the Carolina's, Florida, Texas, Arizona, even...NEW MEXICO.  These are all great places to live, I'm sure, but what would be best for us, I wonder??

My kids don't really want to move anywhere, but what do kids know about surviving and doing it well?  I want to be able to make a little extra to put away for that rainy day, or even just to blow.  We're not doing that here...  I admit, it's scary to move to someplace alone, no one to show you where the "in" spots are, no friends, but isn't that part of the excitement too? 

So here's the deal...a job opening has come up that has great pay, benefits, and pension (something we now look for as we get older).  It would require a move that we may not be ready for financially, but 1/4 of this family is willing to make.  Even if this meant that 1/4 of this family had to go ahead of the rest.  If we're not making it here financially, what would the big deal be?  My schooling can be done anywhere, and is even transferable...imagine that.  Do we stay here until my schooling is done and I am ready to enter the workforce, struggling to make it from paycheck to paycheck, or do we make a move now and continue on with schooling, making better money?

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